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In Jordan, the overrepresentation of women in overall tertiary enrollment is a relatively recent phenomenon (43%/37% female/male enrollment; UNESCO Institute for Statistics [UIS], 2015), and it has raised the question of a possible change in the perception of young women’s roles in society (Adely, 2004). Still, less than a quarter of Jordanian STEM researchers are women (UIS, 2015). Although the percentage of female students in specific disciplines such as computer science is lower, it is rising (about 25% in 2009 and 49% in 2011) (Khreisat, 2009). Further, the proportion of women in other STEM disciplines (e.g., chemistry, biology, physics, and math) is as high as 75% (UIS, 2015). 

Research team: Jordan University of Science and Technology

Table including stats about Jordan.Area: 88,780 square kilometersPopulation: 6.5 millionPrinciple Language: ArabicGDPPC: $5,641Comparable to: Indiana (94,321 square kilometers)
Map of Jordan with locator pin at Jordan University of Science and Technology
Map of Jordan