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DeBoer, J., Dridi, A.M., Atiq, S.Z., Lee, D., Morton, S., Montppellier, A.D., Abu-Lail, N., Ater-Kranov, A. & Kmec, J. (2019). Identity in practice: Reflections from Malaysian women who are practicing engineers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa. - PDF - link

Kmec, J., Morton, S., Atiq, S.Z., Ater-Kranov, A. Abu-Lail, N. & DeBoer, J. (2019), The Gendering of Engineering as Masculine: A Case Study of Female Malaysian Undergraduates. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 114th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York City, NY. - link

Atiq, S. Zahra, Sarah Morton, Nehal Abu-Lail, Ashley Ater Kranov, Julie A. Kmec, Jennifer DeBoer. (2018). Women’s Motivation to Pursue Engineering Education and Careers: A Case Study of Malaysia. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). - PDF

DeBoer, Jennifer and Ashley Ater Kranov. (2017). Key Factors in the Tertiary Educational Trajectories of Women in Engineering: Trends and Opportunities in Saudi Arabia, the GCC, and Comparative National Settings. In Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification through Regional Collaboration, Siddiqi, A., & Anadon, L. (Eds.). - PDF

Kranov, Ater Ashley, Jennifer DeBoer, and Nehal Abu-Lail. (2014). Factors Affecting the Educational and Occupational Trajectories of Women in Engineering in Five Comparative National Settings. In Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 2014 International Conference on (pp. 21-28). IEEE. - PDF - link

Abu-Lail, Nehal, Fatin A. Phang, Ashley Ater Kranov, Khairiyah Mohd-Yusof, Robert G. Olsen, Rochelle Williams, and Azizan Z. Abidin. (2012). Persistent Gender Inequity in US Undergraduate Engineering: Looking to Jordan and Malaysia for Factors to their Success in Achieving Gender Parity. In American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education. - PDF - link

DeBoer, J. (2007). Perspectives on Engineering Education in Tunisia after Fifty Years of Statehood: Opinions on Educational Quality and a Structural Analysis. In 6th ASEE Global Colloquium. - PDF - link