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DeBoer, J., Dridi, A.M., Atiq, S.Z., Lee, D., Morton, S., Montppellier, A.D., Abu-Lail, N., Ater-Kranov, A. & Kmec, J. (2019). Identity in practice: Reflections from Malaysian women who are practicing engineers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa. - PDF - link

Kmec, J., Morton, S., Atiq, S.Z., Ater-Kranov, A. Abu-Lail, N. & DeBoer, J. (2019), The Gendering of Engineering as Masculine: A Case Study of Female Malaysian Undergraduates. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 114th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York City, NY. - link

Atiq, S. Zahra, Sarah Morton, Nehal Abu-Lail, Ashley Ater Kranov, Julie A. Kmec, Jennifer DeBoer. (2018). Women’s Motivation to Pursue Engineering Education and Careers: A Case Study of Malaysia. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). - PDF


Atiq, S. Zahra, Sarah Morton, Nehal Abu-Lail, Ashley Ater Kranov, Julie A. Kmec, and Jennifer DeBoer. (2018). Women’s Motivation to Pursue Engineering Education and Careers: A Case Study of Malaysia. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). DOI

Abu-Lail, Nehal and Julie A. Kmec (2018). The Gendering of Engineering as Masculine across Contexts: A Case Study of Female Malaysian Undergraduates. Washington State University Social Science Showcase. Pullman, WA.

DeBoer, Jennifer, Ashley Ater Kranov, Sarah Morton, Nehal Abu-Lail, and Julie A. Kmec (2018). Global Women’s Voices: Motivation to Pursue Engineering Careers in Countries with High Levels of Women’s Engineering Representation.  Annual Conference of the Tunisian Association of Women Engineers ATFI & International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists (INWES) Regional conference.

Abu-Lail, Nehal, Julie A. Kmec, Sarah Morton, S. Zahra Atiq, Ashley Ater Kranov, and Jennifer DeBoer. (2018). Explaining Gender Parity in Engineering in Select Predominantly Muslim Countries. STEM Gender Gap: Causes, Consequences and Solutions for Academia symposium. New York University, Abu Dhabi, Dubai.


Ater Kranov, Ashley and S. Zahra Atiq (2017). High Participation of Women in Engineering in Predominantly Muslim Countries: A Multinational Study and a Malaysian Example. World Engineering Education Forum. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Kmec, Julie A., Ashley Ater Kranov, Nehal Abu-Lail, S. Zahra Atiq, Sarah Morton, and Jennifer DeBoer (2017). Managing International, Inter-disciplinary Research Collaborations. Partnerships & Scaling Roundtable session, NSF ECR PI Convening for Fundamental Research in STEM Education: Progress, Issues, & the Future Meeting. Alexandria, VA.


DeBoer, Jennifer and S. Zahra Atiq (2017). Case Study Descriptions from Four Predominately Muslim Countries with High Participation of Women in Engineering. Women in Engineering Program’s Mentoring Program. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.


Abu-Lail, Nehal and Julie A. Kmec (2017). Women’s Engineering Participation in Diverse Cultural Contexts: What can the US Learn? Washington State University Social Science Showcase. Pullman, WA.


Ater Kranov, Ashley (2016). What can the US Learn from Women’s Decisions to Pursue and Persist in Engineering in Diverse Predominantly Muslim Settings. John’s Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory. Baltimore, MD.

Abu-Lail, Nehal and Julie A. Kmec (2016). Women’s Engineering Participation in Diverse Cultural Contexts: What can the US Learn? Invited lecture for Washington State University Common Reading Program. Pullman, WA.